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atau seperti ini :
Banner atau link tersebut bisa kamu pasang di blog kamu, atau kamu sebarin ke blog kamu yang lain atau kemana aja deh terserah. Nha kamu akan dibayar sebanyak $0.1 jika ada orang yng mendaftarkan dirinya di free domain co.cc. Pembayarannya dikirim lewat paypal langsung. Gmn? tertarik ? gak ada ruginya kok dicoba aja, daftarnya gratis lagi. Buruan daftar..
Daftar di sini
24 Jul 2008
Dapet Dolar dari Domain co.cc (gratis)
Label: Info22 Jul 2008
Inspirasi dari Joko Susilo
Label: inspirasiSaat saya mencari informasi mengenai blog di internet,secara tidak sengaja saya tertuju ke alamat mas joko susilo disana dijelaskan mengenai cara berbisnis di dunia maya yaitu Internet dan dari sana saya mendapatkan pencerahan mengenai hal-hal tentang internet. Mulai dari "bagaimana cara mendapatkan uang dari internet",cara mempromosikan blog kepada orang lain dan sebagainya.
Setelah saya baca beberapa artikel dari mas joko mata saya langsung terbuka lebar,dan bibirpun mulai tersenyum. Sayapun jadi lebih bersemangat untuk mempelajari blog dan mulai menulis artikel agar blog saya mendapatkan traffic yang tinggi atau banyak pengunjung yang datang ke blog saya. Saya mengharapkan blog saya dapat berguna dan memberikan informasi yang membantu anda.
Saya sangat berterima kasih kepada mas Joko karena Sudah menjadi motivator bagi saya untuk terus berusaha agar sukses di dunia internet. Mungkin ini saja yang bisa saya tulis, bila anda memiliki Kisah yang mirip ato sama seperti saya, Anda bisa berbagi cerita di sini.
21 Jul 2008
10 Jurus Ampuh Bikin Posting Terbaik
Label: BloggerPernahkah Anda tiba-tiba mentok saat menyiapkan posting untuk blog Anda? Tentu pernah, kita semua pasti pernah mengalaminya. Atau, pernahkah artikel yang baru saja diposting ternyata tidak mendapatkan tanggapan sama sekali dari pembaca? Kalau pernah, itu berarti gejala yang normal.
Yang jelas, tentu kita akan terus berusaha mencari kiat-kiat bagaimana agar posting-posting kita itu sukses. Ukuran sukses itu bisa dilihat dari komentar yang masuk, incoming links, tagging maupun bookmarking.
Chris Garrett menawarkan 10 jurus ampuh dalam merancang posting-posting terbaik:
1. Artikel ‘How To’: Tulisan tentang how-to, kiat, tips dan tutorial mengenai topik tertentu adalah salah satu contoh yang paling rajin disambangi pembaca. Idenya bisa Anda gali dari mana saja, baik itu dari forum-forum diskusi, blogwalking ataupun dari pengalaman Anda sendiri.
2. Posting Berupa Daftar: Bikinlah daftar mengenai hal-hal yang ringan dan mudah dicerna. Rancanglah out-line-nya dengan baik sehingga Anda juga nyaman saat menuliskannya.
3. Tulis tentang Kampanye: Menulis tentang kampanye-kampanye tertentu, misalkan kampanye-kampanye global, hari peringatan, dan lain sebagainya. Biasanya posting tentang ini akan menarik perhatian komunitas yang bergelut di bidang ini.
4. Wawancara: Jika Anda benar-benar buntu, dan anda punya akses ke sejumlah orang tokoh atau selebritas, ajak mereka chatting, telepon dan wawancarai mereka. Beberapa orang melakukan hal itu secara natural. Kunci untuk wawancara yang baik adalah menanyakan apa yang ingin diketahui oleh pembaca blog Anda. Berikut beberapa langkah dalam menyiapkan sebuah wawancara yang hebat: (1) Lakukan riset; (2) Siapkan pertanyaan sebelumnya, jangan menanyakan hal-hal yang teringat saja; (3) Kirimkan pertanyaan Anda sebelumnya; (4) Materi wawancara adalah tentang diri orang yang akan diwawancarai, bukan tentang Anda; (5) Tanyakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan terbuka, bukan yang sekadar butuh jawaban ya/tidak; (6) Cobalah bernteraksi, jangan hanya melancarkan pertanyaan, buat percakapan yang mengalir; (7) Berterima kasihlah pada orang yang anda wawancaraiuntuk waktunya dan tanyakan apakah ada yang ingin dia sampaikan atau ingin dia tambahkan.
5. Review: Tulisan review sangat menarik sepanjang produk atau jasa yang akan Anda review itu ingin diketahui oleh orang banyak. Tulislah review dengan tepat dan bukan menulis surat penjualan. Pilih kriteria yang benar-benar bekerja.
6. Studi Kasus: Jika Anda dapat menulis sesuatu dari pengalaman dunia nyata — apalagi dari pengalaman Anda sendiri, studi-studi kasus akan menjadi sangat berguna. Informasi yang sama dapat dibuat dalam bentuk how to (kiat-kiat). Misalnya, Anda bisa menuliskan pengalaman Anda tentang “Bagaimana mendapatkan 100 dolar pertama dari blog”.
7. Hasil Riset: Riset adalah cara yang efektif dalam mendapatkan sumber penulisan. Gunakan polling terbuka dan software survei, ajukan beberapa pertanyaan yang ingin Ada ketahui jawabannya. Ketika Anda sudah memiliki beberapa tanggapan, analisa hasilnya.
8. Tren: Amati tren yang terjadi di niche Anda, dan pastikan Anda menulis dan mendokumentasikannya dengan baik. Jika niche blog Anda tentang software, saya kira hampir setiap baru ada peluncuran software baru yang menarik ditulis dan layak disuguhkan untuk pembaca blog Anda.
9. Provokatif: Jika Anda punya ide dan bahan-bahan yang memadai, artikel-artikel yang provokatif dan kontroversial terkadang cukup ampuh dalam mengundang arus kunjungan (traffic). Tapi ingat, jangan menawarkan sensasi murahan (karena tanpa ada data atau argumen yang kuat) karena itu hanya akan mengorbankan reputasi Anda.
10. Tanyai Pembaca: Umpan balik dari pembaca adalah sumber inspirasi yang tak habis-habisnya. Jadi tanyai mereka dan dorong mereka untuk menanggapi. Orang senang untuk berbicara tentang diri mereka, oleh karena itu berilah mereka kesempatan.
Sumber : http://thegadgetnet.com/2008/05/14/10-jurus-ampuh-bikin-posting-terbaik/
Bagaimanakah Metode Penulisan Blog?
Apakah itu metode ngeblog? Adakah sesuatu yang disebut metode ngeblog? Adakah bedanya dengan metode penulisan cerpen, novel ataupun artikel untuk media massa?
Posting kali ini lebih merupakan percikan pemikiran yang berguna saat kita mendalami kegiatan ngeblog.
Raj Dash, blogger Performancing, bertutur:
‘Bagaimana Anda menerapkan ‘metode’ dalam ngeblog?’ adalah suatu pertanyaan yang sukar dijawab jika Anda tidak benar-benar memahami apa yang disebut “metode”. Saya menerapkan beberapa metode beberapa bulan lalu, baik untuk riset blogging dan juga untuk ide film yang sedang saya kerjakan.
Hasilnya sejauh ini adalah bahwa saya belajar begitu banyak tentang manusia dan mengetahui bahwa bagaimana mereka berinteraksi dengan Anda tergantung apa yang mereka pikirkan tentang Anda. Di masa lalu, yang saya tahu adalah orang-orang berinteraksi dengan saya berdasar pada apa yang mereka tahu tentang saya sebelumnya.
Raj yakin, banyak blogger yang mampu mengkombinasikan teks, podcasts, dan vodcasts/vlogging, untuk memproyeksikan kepribadian-kepribadian.
Jika Anda, demikian Raj, mengetahui ada orang seperti itu yang menerapkan sebuah “metode” untuk kegiatan ngeblog mereka, tinggalkanlah link di forum komentar yang ada di blognya.
Dari situ Anda akan belajar bagaimana sebuah metode itu diciptakan, dan bagaimana setiap orang memiliki metode yang berbeda. Termasuk Anda, tentunya.
Bagi saya pribadi, interaksi yang intens antara blogger dan pembacanya, merupakan sumber metode yang membedakan kegiatan menulis di blog agak berbeda dengan kegiatan menulis di media massa.
Percakapan antara blogger dan komunitas pembacanya menjadi suatu hal yang tak terbantahkan.
Dan bukankah komentar-komentar yang ditinggalkan di setiap posting kita adalah sumber ide yang tak akan kering dan kemudian akan menjelma menjadi sebuah metode ketika kita menuliskannya?
Sumber : http://thegadgetnet.com/2008/05/13/bagaimana-metode-penulisan-dalam-ngeblog/
Tips Membuat Posting Linkbait
Linkbait atau linkbaiting adalah teknis menulis posting yang diniatkan untuk jadi populer sehingga mampu memancing pembaca maupun blogger lain untuk me-link ke blognya masing-masing. (Oh ya, posting linkbait juga tak jarang mengundang banyak komentar atau respon).
Umumnya, posting pemancing link ini ditulis dalam bentuk daftar. Tentu, tidak semua artikel linkbait berbentuk daftar. Bisa saja dalam format atau gaya penulisan yang lain.
Untuk membuat posting ala linkbait, ada beberapa langkah utama yang bisa dilakukan:
* Carilah topik yang paling dicari (headline). Ada beberapa topik populer yang ada di masing-masing bidang. Jadi, blogger yang sudah biasa menongkrongi topik spesifik (niche) biasanya akan lebih gampang menemukan topik-topik headline.
* Lakukan riset untuk memperkaya posting. Coba diriset dulu lewat mesin pencari, browsing maupun blog-walking, aspek apa saja yang belum atau kurang dibahas. Biasanya, kombinasi aspek tertentu akan bisa memunculkan ide-ide baru.
* Tulis deskripsi ringkas masing-masing poin. Ini khusus posting berbentuk daftar. Jangan membuat deksripsi yang terlalu panjang sebab akan membosankan.
* Bermain dengan angka-angka. Angka-angka memang bisa menjadi magnitude yang kuat. Misalnya Top 10, 100, 500, dan seterusnya sebagai angle penulisan.
Sumber : http://thegadgetnet.com/2008/04/29/tips-bikin-posting-linkbait-pemancing-link/
5 langkah merawat Sofa
Apapun pilihan pelapis sofa anda, jangan lupakan untuk melakukan perawatan. Berikut beberapa tips untuk perawatan sofa anda…
1. Usahakan untuk tidak meletakkan sofa yang memakai pelapis dari kulit ataupun kain di area yang terkena sinar matahari langsung ; misalnya di dekat jendela yang tidak diberi kanopi. Sinar matahari bisa membuat daya tahan pelapis menurun.
2. Ada baiknya memberi jarak sofa dengan dinding sehingga bagian belakang sofa tidak terlalu lembab.
3. Khusus untuk sofa yang menggunakan kulit, anda harus rajin merawat kulit itu dengan lotion khusus. Debu – debu yang ada bisa anda lap dengan dengan lap yang tidak terlalu basah. Lap yang sangat basah tidak dianjurkan karena kulit masih memiliki pori – pori yang bisa meresap air.
4. Untuk sofa berbahan pelapis kain, perawatan rutin bisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan vacuum cleaner. Jika ada serat – serat benang yang keluar, potonglah dengan menggunakan gunting dan jangan menariknya dengan tangan.
5. Janganlah meletakkan Koran maupun barang cetakan lainnya di atas sofa. Hal ini untuk menghindari dari kemungkinan tinta koran tersebut mengotori atau meninggalkan noda pada kain pelapis sofa. Untuk membersihkan noda pada kain pelapis sofa, gunakanlah kain yang benar – benar bersih.
Sumber :http://citrafmblora.blogspot.com/2008/07/5-langkah-merawat-sofa.html
Bila anda memiliki almari makan yang baunya kurang sedap maka taruhlah bubuk kopi secukupnya pada sudut almari tersebut,baik dalam toples yang terbuka atau mangkok yang terbuka.Kopi tersebut akan menghilangkan bau tak sedap yang ada di almari tersebut.
Juga tempat bekas bangkai tikus atau binatang lainnya yang mati tanpa kita ketahui lalu menimbulkan bau busuk walaupun bangkai sudah dibuang.Taburilah dengan kopi bubuk pasti baunya segera hilang.
Juga tempat-tempat lainnya,seperti tempat penjualan ikan asin atau tempat penyimpanan daging.
Kompor bisa terbakar atau meledak bila terdapat kelalaian sebagai berikut;
-Terlalu banyak minyak yang dimasukkan
-Terdapat lubang sumbu longgar,atau lubang sumbu ada yang kosong
-Kompor terus menerus menyala sehingga minyak menjadi panas,ini bisa mengakibatkan kompor meledak atau terbakar
Maka dari itu ingat betul-betul ketiga hal diatas,bila masih terjadi kebakaran maka gunakanlah cara dibawah ini;
- Ambilah karung,basahi dengan air lalu selubungkan pada kompor tesebut,kompor pasti segera padam
- Bila tidak ada karung ambilah garam dapur taburkan pada api yang berkobar,pasti api akan segera padam
Mungkin Suatu ketika anda kehabisan semir hitam,padahal waktu sudah mendesak untuk masuk kerja atau bepergian maka untuk sementara carilah karbon bekas lalu Gosoklah pada sepatu anda dengan rata setelah itu baru disikat dan lihat hasilnya,wah.... sama seperti anda pakai semir sepatu. Bisa juga digosok dengan daun pepaya.
Mungkin anda memiliki meubel yang warna politurnya sudah kusam atau pucat,anda tak usah kuatir. berikut cara agar meubel tampak mengkilap kembali seperti baru lagi:
Sediakan bahan-bahan di bawah ini;
100 cc terpentin
1 botol bir minyak parafin
50 cc minyak tanah
50 cc minyak jarak
Caranya :
Keempat bahan tadi diaduk rata kemudian langsung dapat dipergunakkan untuk memperbarui warna meubel anda,baik almari,meja,kursi,buffet dan segala meubel lain yang terbuat dari kayu.
Selamat Mencoba.....
Bila kaca rumah atau kaca mobil kotor,bisa dibersihkan dengan cara berikut;
Ambilalh tembakau dari kwalitas rendah sebanyak 1-2 ons.Rendamlah dalam air selama 10 menit, celupkan kain yang agak kasar kedalam rendaman tembakau tadi,kain utulah yang dipakai untuk menyeka kaca rumah atau mobil secara berulang-ulang. Sesudah itu baru dibersihkan dengan air jernih.Kaca akan bercahaya lagi tidak mudah dilekati debu maupun kotoran.
selamat mencoba.....
Apakah Anda mempunyai masalah dengan westafel dirumah yang tersumbat karena tersumbat sesuatu?? Berikut ini akan saya sampaikan cara membersihkan westafel yang tersumbat.
Bila westafel anda tersumbat karena penuhnya sisa-sisa makanan,jadi bukan tersumbat karena plastik daun,kertas atau kotoran lainnya. Maka cara melancarkan alirannya cukup mudah.
Yaitu masukkan soda dan cuka secangkir maka sisa-sisa makanan tadi akan hancur dan saluran kembali lancar.semoga tips ini membantu anda
Ini bukan sulap atau sihir,tapi anda pasti kaget bila melihat hasilnya. Apabila anda memiliki payung yang warnanya hitam,maka carilah amoniak(dapat dibeli ditoko bahan kimia).
Campurlah amoniak tadi dengan air panas lalu dipakai membersihkan payung(kainnya) yang sudahkusam. Boleh dibersihkan dengan sikat pakaian hasilnya kain payung tampak seperti baru.
Untuk menjaga agar payung anda tetap awet,maka setelah dipakai janganlah langsung disimpan begitu saja. Biarkan payung tetap terbuka dalam beberapa jam sampai kain dan besinya kering setelah itu baru disimpan. Yang lebih baik lagi ialah dengan menjemur payung tersebut dalam panas matahari setelah itu baru ditutup dan disimpan dengan baik.
Bila anda memasang foto atau gambar di dinding suatu ketika pasti mengalami kerusakkan,terutama disebabkan oleh kelembaban dinding sehinga timbulah noda-noda hitam atau keputihan dan belang-belang.
Untuk menghindari hal-hal diatas,sebelum foto atau gambar dipasang di dinding olehsilah denganputih telur yang sudah dikocok. Putih telur ini berfungsi sebagai antibiotik alami yang akan mengawetkan gambar atau foto anda.
Yang diolesi putih telur tadi hanya permukaan gambarnya saja. Sesudah itu angin-anginkan supaya kering.Ingat jangan dijemur diterik matahari.
Selamat Mencoba...
Hampir seluruh kebutuhan rumah tangga kita tidak bisa lepas dari plastik. Misalnya ; gayung(cebuk),ember,bascom,mainan anak-anak,keranjang sampah,tempat sabun,tutup makanan dan sebagainya.
Bagaimana bila suatu ketika barang tersebut retak sobek atau bocor karena sesuatu hal,padahal masih dalam keadaan bagus atau baru dibeli.Kalau anda mau berhemat maka barang tersebut dapat dipakai lagi.
cari barang plastik yang sudah parah rusaknya.Usahakan Warnanya sejenis dengan barang yang akan ditempel.Lalu bakarlah plastik yang sudah parah tadi hingga meleleh dan sambungkanlah barang yang pecah atau bocor tadi. Usahakanlah mencari bahan yang penambal yang lentur, tidak rapuh sehingga barang yang ditambal tidak lekas bocor atau patah lagi.
Merawat barang dari kulit
Apakah anda mempunyai Barang yang terbuat dari kulit?? misalnya tas,jam,dompet dll. Seperti kita ketahui bahwa Barang dari kulit asli kadang kala menimbulkan bau yang tidak sedap. Terutama bila diletakan diudara yang lembab. Bau tersebut sangat busuk. Tapi jangan terburu buru dulu membuang barang tersebut begitu saja,masih ada cara yang tepat untuk mengusir bau busuk itu. Kalau dicuci dengan air sabun masih tidak akan hilang. Tapi gosokklah dengan tembakau secara berulang-ulang.Niscaya bau tak sedap itu akan hilang. Setelah itu dijemur sampai kering. Perlu anda ketahui bahwa tips ini sudah terbukti
Cara terbaik merawat pakaian, sepatu, topi, maupun tas kulit adalah dengan mengikuti instruksi perawatan yang disarankan oleh produsennya. Untuk menghilangkan noda pada bahan kulit, menurut Direktur Operasi Pabrik Kulit Roots di Kanada, Richard Kowalewski, sebaiknya jangan menggunakan air atau penghilang noda, kecuali memang disarankan oleh produsennya.
Jika ingin mencoba membersihkan noda dengan air atau penghilang noda, ujilah terlebih dahulu daya tahan kulit di bagian yang tidak terlalu tampak. Lihat reaksi apa yang ditimbulkan ketika air atau pembersih noda mengenai bahan kulit itu.
Bisa juga Anda membersihkan bagian yang tidak dapat dicuci secara profesional, misalnya dibawa ke toko khusus yang menyediakan jasa itu. Namun, langkah ini hanya boleh dilakukan tiap tiga hingga empat tahun sekali karena proses ini bisa membuat lapisan minyak pada kulit terkelupas.
Tak usah khawatir jika suatu ketika Anda menemui barang berbahan kulit kesayangan Anda berkerut. Sebab, nantinya ia akan kembali lagi seperti sediakala. Tapi, kalau Anda ingin merapihkannya dengan setrika, boleh-boleh saja kok, caranya, pasang setrika dengan setelan rayon dan gunakan kertas cokelat untuk melapisi sekaligus menekan bagian yang akan disetrika.
Jangan lupa untuk menggantung jaket kulit Anda pada hanger lebar yang dilengkapi bantalan. Sumpallah sepatu kulit dengan shoetrees atau cabikan kertas. Isilah tas kulit Anda dengan tissue agar bentuknya tidak berubah. Ingat, jangan pernah menyimpan barang berbahan kulit di dalam kantung plastik atau bahan kedap udara lainnya yang bisa membuat kulit menjadi kering. Pastikan Anda menyimpannya di tempat yang cukup ventilasi, teduh, gelap, tidak terlalu lembab dan tidak terlalu kering.
Silakan mencobanya....
14 Jul 2008
Yahoo! Creates Olympic Games Portal
Label: newsSunnyvale, California - (Cheap Web Hosting Directory) - July 3, 2008 - Yahoo! has debuted its Summer Games lineup, including a new website, mobile and search products to help follow the Games, as well as several new programming and product sponsors.
James Pitaro, General Manger of Yahoo! Sports noted, ''Whether on the computer or on the go, Yahoo! will give fans timely and compelling coverage of this year's Games. Yahoo! has been in training for months to ensure we're ready to deliver the Summer Games to our users.''
The new website from Yahoo! Sports (http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics) will provide up-to-the minute coverage from Yahoo! Sports' editorial team, videos and photos. In addition, fans can use their mobile phones to stay on top of the competition and Yahoo! Search will also allow fans to find information on the Games within search results, via a custom in-page shortcut. This year Yahoo! has tied together its offerings for fans and advertisers to explore its numerous platforms related to the Games.
Yahoo! Sports is known for providing top-quality coverage of the Games. For instance, during the 2006 Winter Games in Torino, Yahoo! Sports attracted more unique users each week than any other online site(1). The tradition continues this year. Yahoo!'s award-winning editorial staff will cover the Games from Beijing, China, and has also teamed up with several Olympians to provide a unique perspective and analysis, including:
-- 1992 Silver Medalist and long jump record holder Mike Powell
-- 1996 Gold Medalist and gymnast Dominique Dawes
-- 2006 Silver Medalist and snowboarder Gretchen Bleiler
In addition to the editorial team, the Yahoo! Sports Summer Games site will offer fans everything they need to follow the games, including:
-- Beijing torch tracker, a tool that gives fans an opportunity to virtually follow the flame while it travels the globe
-- Summer Games Roundup, a daily video recap of top stories and information on upcoming Olympic events, hosted by Bleiler
-- The watch list, a personalization tool that lets fans track results, news and medals for their favorite countries, sports and athletes
-- Blogs, in-depth athlete pages and event schedules
No Matter Where They Are - Fans Can Take the Games With Them
Bruce Stewart, Vice President and General Manager, Connected Life Americas, Yahoo! added, ''The Games are taking place halfway around the world in Beijing this summer and while you want to be first to know what's happening, you can't stay up all night every night. Now you can grab the phone from your pocket during the day or sleep with your mobile phone on your nightstand - which you know you do anyway - and simply visit Yahoo!'s mobile Web site to instantly get in the know.''
This summer, Yahoo! is bringing the Games to the smallest screen for the first time. Fans can keep up-to-date on all the action - no matter what time of day it is or where they are - by visiting Yahoo!'s mobile Web site (m.yahoo.com/2008games). From their mobile phones, fans will be able to track the medal count, get the latest news, see photos and read the latest commentary on the Games from Yahoo!'s experts.
Yahoo! continues to be the partner of choice for world class advertisers aiming to reach highly sought after audiences, including the more than 20 million users that visit Yahoo! Sports each month. Yahoo! Sports will provide partners such as Chevy and Bank of America with the opportunity to support coverage of the world's premier sports event. Yahoo!'s advertising partners include:
-- The Beijing torch tracker, supported by Super 8, the global economy lodging chain.
-- Chevy, the world's largest automaker, co-presenting Yahoo! Sports' coverage, including the daily video update Summer Games Round Up, the Medals Section and Medals Module.
-- Bank of America, one of the world's largest financial institutions and official bank sponsor of the U.S. Olympic Team, supporting Yahoo! Sports' Summer Games news web show.
-- Comcast, the nation's leading provider of cable, entertainment and communications products and services, supporting the Yahoo! Sports Results Section.
Leading up to and during the Games, fans can use Yahoo! Search to find timely answers for all things related to the Games. Yahoo! Search will feature Games specific Yahoo! Shortcuts to help consumers find the schedule of events, news, medal tallies, athlete scores and much more -- right at the top of the search page.
Yahoo! Inc. is a leading global Internet brand and one of the most trafficked Internet destinations worldwide. Yahoo! is focused on powering its communities of users, advertisers, publishers, and developers by creating indispensable experiences built on trust. Yahoo! is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California.
For more information about Yahoo! small business offerings, please visit: http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com.
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Search Engine Firm, Powerset, Bought by Microsoft Live
San Francisco, California - (Website Hosting Directory) - July 7, 2008 - Natural language company, Powerset, has reached an agreement to join Microsoft Live Search's core Search Relevance team, remaining intact in the San Francisco area.
Powerset brings with it natural language technology that is considered to nicely complement other natural language processing technologies that Microsoft Research has in place.
Powerset brings to Live Search a set of talented engineers and computational linguists in downtown San Francisco. This is a great team with a wide range of experience from other search engines and research organizations like PARC (formerly Xerox PARC).
Satya Nadella, Senior Vice President, Search, Portal, and Advertising at Live Search explained, ''We're buying Powerset first and foremost because we're impressed with the people there. Powerset CTO and cofounder Barney Pell is a visionary and incredible evangelist. When he introduced our senior engineers to some of the most senior people at Powerset - Search engineers and computational linguists like Tim Converse, Chad Walters, Scott Prevost, Lorenzo Thione, and Ron Kaplan - we came away impressed by their smarts, their experience, their passion for search, and a shared vision.he next level by adding understanding of the intent and meaning behind the words in searches and webpages.''
Ms. Nadella continued, ''We know today that roughly a third of searches don't get answered on the first search and first click. Usually searchers find the information they want eventually, but that often requires multiple searches or clicks on multiple search results. Two specific problems are the most common reasons for this:
* Differences in phrasing or context between a user's search and the way the same information is expressed on webpages. Search engines don't understand today that 'shrub' and 'tree' are similar concepts. We don't understand that 'cancer' sometimes refers to a disease and sometimes refers to a horoscope and when a query or a webpage refers to which.
* Lack of clarity in the descriptions for each webpage in the search results. Sometimes a result looks relevant from its short description on the results page but turns out to be not so relevant when you visit the actual page. As a result, searchers frequently click results and then rapidly click back when they realize they aren't what they're looking for.''
According to Ms. Nadella, these problems exist because search engines today primarily match words in a search to words on a webpage. We can solve these problems by working to understand the intent behind each search and the concepts and meaning embedded in a webpage. In doing so, Microsoft hopes to nnovate in the quality of the search results, in the flexibility with which searchers can phrase their queries, and in the search user experience. Microsoft will use knowledge extracted from webpages to improve the result descriptions and provide new tools to help customers search better.
Working with its existing Search team and other Microsoft teams that focus on natural language, Powerset will help address all of those problems and opportunities.
Microsoft Research will have more to say about the things they are doing in understanding searches and webpages through natural language technology in the coming months.
Powerset's goal is to change the way people interact with technology by enabling computers to understand our language. While this is a difficult challenge, we believe that now is the right time to begin the journey. Powerset is first applying its natural language processing to search, aiming to improve the way we find information by unlocking the meaning encoded in ordinary human language.
Powerset's first product is a search and discovery experience for Wikipedia, launched in May 2008. Powerset's technology improves the entire search process. In the search box, you can express yourself in keywords, phrases, or simple questions. On the search results page, Powerset gives more accurate results, often answering questions directly, and aggregates information from across multiple articles. Finally, Powerset's technology follows you into enhanced Wikipedia articles, giving you a better way to quickly digest and navigate content.
A San Francisco-based company, Powerset was founded in 2005 and is funded by Foundation Capital, Founders Fund, Paperboy Ventures, and a number of angel investors.
Live Search provides several ways to easily add search to web sites. The Live Search Box AJAX can quickly control adding search, or use the Live Search Web Service to add a more customized search engine.
To learn more about Powerset, please visit: www.powerset.com.
For more information about Live Search, please visit: www.live.com.
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E-Commerce Search Engine Developed
New York, New York - (Cheap Web Hosting Directory) - July 7, 2008 - E-commerce strategy, design and development firm, Alexander Interactive, has launched a new search engine, designed to help e-commerce companies better manage search results and boost online sales.
AiSearch is the latest in Ai's growing line of advanced web solutions, placing the agency at the forefront of the interactive industry. E-commerce providers typically rely on software-as-a-service (SaaS) vendors for search engine capabilities. Ai created AiSearch because the agency saw an opportunity to provide a more specialized solution to clients. A robust search, navigation and merchandising tool, AiSearch is a powerful platform that helps e-commerce companies achieve their merchandising objectives while meeting customer needs.
Alex Schmelkin, Co-founder and President of Alexander Interactive noted, ''With an e-commerce platform powered by AiSearch, online retailers can help consumers find the products they want much faster - and attract and retain customers over time. AiSearch is highly customizable, so we can engineer the product to meet the individual business goals of any online retailer.''
Long-time client Steiner Sports is using AiSearch to better manage search results and maximize product sales. Ai custom built the product to meet Steiner's specific business needs, including the following features:
* Multiple data sources - Steiner operates both an online store and auction. AiSearch is the first search engine that automatically pulls products from both sources, giving consumers the most complete search results.
* Faster filtering and sorting capabilities - Steiner can manage every individual search term with AiSearch, guaranteeing customers the most relevant results much faster.
* Administrative efficiencies - Steiner can use AiSearch to achieve its merchandising objectives much more efficiently. The company can track the most popular search terms and prioritize search results to promote specific products. Steiner also can re-sort results for any search term - including synonyms and misspellings - and re-direct customers to alternate pages to eliminate 'no results found' and ensure consumers find what they need.
Mr. Schmelkin added, ''As the digital landscape quickly evolves, Ai continues to innovate so we can bring cutting-edge web solutions to our clients, helping them achieve measurable results.''
Alexander Interactive is an e-commerce strategy, design and development firm. Ai builds web and fulfillment systems for clients, including Pepperidge Farm, Campbell Soup, FragranceNet.com, Steiner Sports, Action Envelope and Cach.
To learn more, please visit: www.alexanderinteractive.com.
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Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft, Join PPC Summit
San Francisco, California - (Website Hosting Directory) - July 10, 2008 - Over 100 Internet marketers, advertisers and business professionals, joined industry experts from Microsoft, Google and other firms, at The Pay Per Click Summit in San Francisco.
One of the notable participants, included PPC Summit CEO Mary O'Brien, former Yahoo! Search Marketing Director, who was joined by Keynote speaker Jorie Waterman, Microsoft AdCenter Product Manager, and other industry gurus who shared proven strategies to increase online market share. During the two full days of training, expert trainers presented on these topics: search marketing, bid management, keyword targeting, B2B and B2C advertising, click fraud, landing page and website optimization, Google Adwords tools and other hot topics. For more information about these sessions or other industry trends, take advantage of the Internet Marketing tips covered in the PPC Summit Secrets Revealed email newsletter. Sign up information can be found at www.ppcsummit.com/overview.html?PRW10.
PPC Summit has received positive feedback from many San Francisco attendees who have already implemented strategies resulting in higher sales and return on investment.
Attendees learned new insider information, strategies, tools, manuals and case studies to integrate into their marketing programs. Attendees had the opportunity to meet and discuss with industry experts how to better position their products/services and increase their search engine marketing results.
David Wagoner, a San Francisco attendee noted, ''My sales are up 350% and cost per sale is down 48.3% after incorporating the expert Pay Per Click and Search Marketing strategies I learned. You can count me in for the next Summit in Los Angeles.''
PPC Summit thanks those industry leaders who sponsored the event: Microsoft, Google, Business.com, Context Web, Engine Ready, Lyris HQ, BidHero, Saturn and Lutze Consulting. PPC Summit has opened registration for the next workshop coming to Los Angeles, September 25-26, held at the Omni Hotel where Microsoft and Google are set to speak. The PPC Summit expert trainers offer the latest industry technologies and strategies which draw many repeat attendees who want to stay abreast on industry information and maintain a competitive advantage.
Registration space is limited to ensure optimal training and provide ample time for attendees to network with the industry experts. All interested participants should register online before the early bird date to save $200.
To learn more, please visit: www.ppcsummit.com.
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Google, Yahoo!, MSN, Top Luxury Survey
New York, New York - (Cheap Web Hosting Directory) - July 10, 2008 - A 2008 Luxury Brand Status Index (LBSI) survey from the independent New York City-based Luxury Institute, has found that high net-worth consumers rated Google the most prestigious search engine.
Respondents who would recommend Google say it has the 'most complete and relevant search results combined with the ability to search images, news, etc., and its name is synonymous with internet search.' Yahoo! and MSN rank second and third respectively.
Milton Pedraza, CEO of the Luxury Institute noted, ''Search engines are the gateway to the Internet, and wealthy consumers are bulwark buyers across luxury and mass goods and services. Although Google is the dominant player in terms of sheer numbers, it is essential for advertisers to know exactly how wealthy consumers perceive and rate all of the search engines on critical usage metrics, and how they compare quantitatively. In addition to understanding why the wealthy will, or will not, recommend search engines, we have added additional insights to our surveys by asking wealthy responders 'What is the one thing you would change about each search engine?' This has generated key action points from wealthy consumers as to what search engines need to focus on to enhance their rating scores to lure consumers and advertisers.''
Following are the top rankings of search engine sites as rated by wealthy consumers: 1. Google 2. Yahoo! 3. MSN 4. Ask.com 5. AOL 6. Netscape 7. About.com 8. Lycos 9. AltaVista
The proprietary Luxury Brand Status Index (LBSI) survey is the only measure of the prestige of leading brands among wealthy Americans. A national sample of 1,883 wealthy American consumers was surveyed online. The average income was $348K and the average net-worth was $3.5 million.
The LBSI asks respondents to rate the brands along four main 'pillars' of brand stature: -- Innovative leader among competitors -- Helpful and relevant content -- Appropriate advertising for the intended consumer -- Ease of use.
In addition, the survey also measures three key 'outcome' metrics, which are compared to the category LBSI: -- Worthiness of a significant price premium -- Willingness to recommend the brands to people they care about and why, or why not -- Brand preference as the brand most likely to be considered the next time a purchase is made
A new feature of the survey is the question: 'What is the one thing you would change about each brand, if you could?'
Survey results are weighted to match demographic and net worth profiles of the same audience according to the latest Survey of Consumer Finances from The Federal Reserve.
The Luxury Institute is the uniquely independent and impartial ratings, reviews and research institution that is the trusted and respected voice of the high net-worth consumer. The Institute provides a portfolio of proprietary publications and research that guides and educates high net-worth individuals and the companies that cater to them on leading edge trends, high net-worth consumer rankings and ratings of luxury brands, and best practices. The Luxury Institute also operates the Luxury Board (www.LuxuryBoard.com), the world's first global, membership-based online community for luxury goods and services executives, professionals and entrepreneurs. To reach the Luxury Institute, please call 646-792-2669 or go to www.LuxuryInstitute.com.
With the largest index of websites available on the World Wide Web and the industry's most advanced search technology, Google Inc. delivers the fastest and easiest way to find relevant information on the Internet. Google's technological innovations have earned the company numerous industry awards and citations, including two Webby Awards; two WIRED magazine Readers Raves Awards; Best Internet Innovation and Technical Excellence Award from PC Magazine; Best Search Engine on the Internet from Yahoo! Internet Life; Top Ten Best Cybertech from TIME magazine; and Editor's Pick from CNET. A growing number of companies worldwide, including Yahoo! and its international properties, Sony Corporation and its global affiliates, AOL/Netscape, and Cisco Systems, rely on Google to power search on their websites. A privately held company based in Mountain View, California, Google's investors include Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers and Sequoia Capital.
To learn more about Google, please visit: www.google.com.
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Sprylogics Leverages Yahoo! Technology
Ontario, Canada - (Cheap Web Hosting Directory) - July 11, 2008 - Yahoo's search engine technology, has been leveraged by Sprylogics International Corp.'s next generation semantic search technology, for its Cluuz application.
Yahoo! Search Boss (Build Your Own Search Service), released recently, will power the search results at www.cluuz.com. With Yahoo! Search BOSS, Sprylogics is able to access a custom, innovative search experience for its users. Unlike traditional keyword based search engines, Cluuz searches are driven by entities, people, and their related social networks.
Cluuz leads to detailed, highly relevant search results by utilizing patent pending semantic graphs that understand meaning within information. Results from searches conducted on the Cluuz platform are displayed as text results, as well as, easy to understand visual charts. Leveraging Yahoo! Search BOSS enables Cluuz to deliver even greater relevancy and accuracy in its search results.
Michael Frank, Chief Executive Officer of Sprylogics noted, ''Yahoo! Search BOSS is leveling the playing field in the search space by providing an unprecedented level of access to its algorithmic search infrastructure. This, combined with Cluuz's named entity extraction, and patent pending semantic graph technologies, position Sprylogics as an innovative and compelling solution in the fast emerging world of next generation search engine technologies.''
Sprylogics International Inc. develops advanced search, analysis, and information display tools and services. These solutions enable users to search large amounts of unstructured data on the Web, and in internal corporate databases, and convert it into actionable intelligence. The core technology driving Sprylogics' solutions is embedded in the Cluuz Search Engine platform which enables both consumers and corporate users to methodically search the Internet and internal corporate resources and find the information they are looking for. Cluuz search results are visually displayed through patent pending semantic graphs and result in improved decision making capabilities.
Unlike traditional keyword based search engines, Cluuz searches are driven by entities, people, and their related social networks. Cluuz leads to detailed, highly relevant search results by utilizing patent pending semantic graphs that understand meaning within information. Results from searches conducted on the Cluuz platform are displayed as text results, as well as, easy to understand visual charts. Leveraging Yahoo! Search BOSS enables Cluuz to deliver even greater relevancy and accuracy in its search results.
Michael Frank, Chief Executive Officer of Sprylogics remarked, ''Yahoo! Search BOSS is leveling the playing field in the search space by providing an unprecedented level of access to its algorithmic search infrastructure. This, combined with Cluuz's named entity extraction, and patent pending semantic graph technologies, position Sprylogics as an innovative and compelling solution in the fast emerging world of next generation search engine technologies.''
Sprylogics International Inc. develops advanced search, analysis, and information display tools and services. The solutions are designed to enable users to search large amounts of unstructured data on the Web, and in internal corporate databases, and convert it into actionable intelligence. The core technology driving Sprylogics' solutions is embedded in the Cluuz Search Engine platform which enables both consumers and corporate users to methodically search the Internet and internal corporate resources and find the information they are looking for. Cluuz search results are visually displayed through patent pending semantic graphs and result in improved decision making capabilities.
For more information, please visit: www.sprylogics.com.
To learn more about Yahoo!, please visit: www.yahoo.com.
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Bruce Clay Inc., Receives Honors, from Goldline Research
Moorpark, California - (Website Hosting Directory) - July 11, 2008 - Goldline Research, has awarded Bruce Clay, Inc., as one of The Most Dependable Search Engine Marketing Firms of the United States for 2008.
The list of The Most Dependable Search Engine Marketing Firms of the United States is scheduled to be published in the August 1st issue of INC Magazine. Bruce Clay, Inc. was chosen in this region to receive this prestigious award.
The list of The Most Dependable Search Engine Marketing Firms of the United States is scheduled to be published in the August 1st issue of INC Magazine. Bruce Clay, Inc. was chosen in this region to receive this prestigious award.
Bruce Clay, President and Founder of Bruce Clay, Inc. noted, ''We're proud to receive this award which validates the commitment to professionalism, openness and trust we have made with our clients. We strive to be an example of success through responsible white hat SEO and SEM, so we are honored that our efforts are being recognized by such an esteemed organization.''
Allen Scott, Research Director, Goldline Research remarked, ''Bruce Clay, Inc. truly distinguished itself during our evaluation of the industry. The firm met or exceeded every expectation we have for holistic, client-centric firms.''
Bruce Clay, Inc. provides search engine optimization and consulting, pay per click management, optimization training and diagnostic tools. Along with offering high-quality services since 1996, Bruce Clay, Inc. has led the industry by authoring the SEO Code of Ethics, creating the downloadable Search Engine Relationship Chart (www.bruceclay.com/searchenginerelationshipchart.htm) and presenting a certification program (www.seotoolset.com/training/courses.html#certification) to promote ethical practices. Today the company has offices in California, New York, the U.K., Australia, South Africa and Japan.
Goldline Research is a third-party, independent research firm specializing in evaluating professional services firms. Goldline Research undertakes an extensive, in-depth research process to review all qualified companies in a respective area. Its proprietary research process includes individual company interviews and quantitative analysis of key company data, as well as customer reference checks to confirm high levels of customer service. Those companies that ultimately earn Goldline Research's Most Dependable designation demonstrate a commitment to service unparalleled in their industry.
For more information about Bruce Clay, Inc., please visit: www.bruceclay.com.
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein (German: IPA) (March 14, 1879 – April 18, 1955) was a German-born theoretical physicist. He is best known for his theory of relativity and specifically mass–energy equivalence, E = mc 2. Einstein received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect."
Einstein's many contributions to physics include his special theory of relativity, which reconciled mechanics with electromagnetism, and his general theory of relativity, which extended the principle of relativity to non-uniform motion, creating a new theory of gravitation. His other contributions include relativistic cosmology, capillary action, critical opalescence, classical problems of statistical mechanics and their application to quantum theory, an explanation of the Brownian movement of molecules, atomic transition probabilities, the quantum theory of a monatomic gas, thermal properties of light with low radiation density (which laid the foundation for the photon theory), a theory of radiation including stimulated emission, the conception of a unified field theory, and the geometrization of physics.
Einstein published over 300 scientific works and over 150 non-scientific works. Einstein is revered by the physics community, and in 1999 Time magazine named him the "Person of the Century". In wider culture the name "Einstein" has become synonymous with genius.
Youth and schooling
Albert Einstein was born into a Jewish family in Ulm, Württemberg, Germany on March 14, 1879. His father was Hermann Einstein, a salesman and engineer. His mother was Pauline Einstein (née Koch). In 1880, the family moved to Munich, where his father and his uncle founded a company, Elektrotechnische Fabrik J. Einstein & Cie, that manufactured electrical equipment.
The Einsteins were not observant of Jewish religious practices, and Albert attended a Catholic elementary school. Although Einstein had early speech difficulties, he was a top student in elementary school
When Einstein was five, his father showed him a pocket compass. Einstein realized that something in empty space was moving the needle and later stated that this experience made "a deep and lasting impression".[7] At his mother's insistence, he took violin lessons starting at age six, and although he disliked them and eventually quit, he later took great pleasure in Mozart's violin sonatas. As he grew, Einstein built models and mechanical devices for fun, and began to show a talent for mathematics.
In 1889, family friend Max Talmud, a medical student,[8] introduced the ten-year-old Einstein to key science, mathematics, and philosophy texts, including Kant's Critique of Pure Reason and Euclid's Elements (Einstein called it the "holy little geometry book").[8] From Euclid, Einstein began to understand deductive reasoning, and by the age of twelve, he had learned Euclidean geometry. Soon thereafter he began to investigate calculus.
In his early teens, Einstein attended the progressive Luitpold Gymnasium. His father intended for him to pursue electrical engineering, but Einstein clashed with authorities and resented the school regimen. He later wrote that the spirit of learning and creative thought were lost in strict rote learning.
In 1894, when Einstein was fifteen, his father's business failed, and the Einstein family moved to Italy, first to Milan and then, after a few months, to Pavia. During this time, Einstein wrote his first scientific work, "The Investigation of the State of Aether in Magnetic Fields".[9] Einstein had been left behind in Munich to finish high school, but in the spring of 1895, he withdrew to join his family in Pavia, convincing the school to let him go by using a doctor's note.
Rather than completing high school, Einstein decided to apply directly to the ETH Zurich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich, Switzerland. Lacking a school certificate, he was required to take an entrance examination, which he did not pass, although he got exceptional marks in mathematics and physics.[10] Einstein wrote that it was in that same year, at age 16, that he first performed his famous thought experiment visualizing traveling alongside a beam of light (Einstein 1979).
The Einsteins sent Albert to Aarau, Switzerland to finish secondary school. While lodging with the family of Professor Jost Winteler, he fell in love with the family's daughter, Marie. (Albert's sister Maja later married Paul Winteler.)[11] In Aarau, Einstein studied Maxwell's electromagnetic theory. In 1896, he graduated at age 17, renounced his German citizenship to avoid military service (with his father's approval), and finally enrolled in the mathematics program at ETH. Marie moved to Olsberg, Switzerland for a teaching post.
In 1896, Einstein's future wife, Mileva Marić, also enrolled at ETH, as the only woman studying mathematics. During the next few years, Einstein and Marić's friendship developed into romance. Einstein graduated in 1900 from ETH with a degree in physics.[12] That same year, Einstein's friend Michele Besso introduced him to the work of Ernst Mach. The next year, Einstein published a paper in the prestigious Annalen der Physik on the capillary forces of a straw (Einstein 1901). On February 21, 1901, he gained Swiss citizenship, which he never revoked.
From wikipedia
Christopher Columbus Kraft, Jr
Christopher Columbus Kraft, Jr. (born February 28, 1924) is a retired NASA engineer and manager who was instrumental in establishing the agency's Mission Control operation. Following his graduation from Virginia Tech in 1944, Kraft was hired by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), the predecessor organization to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). He worked for over a decade in aeronautical research before being asked in 1958 to join the Space Task Group, a small team entrusted with the responsibility of putting America's first man in space. Assigned to the flight operations division, Kraft became NASA's first flight director. He was on duty during such historic missions as America's first spaceflight, first orbital flight, and first spacewalk.
At the beginning of the Apollo program, Kraft retired as a flight director to concentrate on management and mission planning. In 1972, he became director of the Manned Spacecraft Center (later Johnson Space Center), following in the footsteps of his mentor Robert R. Gilruth. He held the position until his 1982 retirement from NASA. During his retirement, Kraft has consulted for numerous companies including IBM and Rockwell International, and he published an autobiography entitled Flight: My Life in Mission Control."
More than any other person, Kraft was responsible for shaping the organization and culture of NASA's Mission Control. As his protégé Glynn Lunney commented, "the Control Center today ... is a reflection of Chris Kraft."[1] When Kraft received the National Space Trophy from the Rotary Club in 1999, the organization described him as "a driving force in the U.S. human space flight program from its beginnings to the Space Shuttle era, a man who
Mangalista the Big Hog
Mangalitsa is a breed of pig grown especially in Hungary and the Balkans known also as a curly-hair hog. It belongs to European unimproved lard-type breeds (as well as Iberian Black, Sicilian Black, and Alentejana pigs) that are descended directly from wild boar populations
The name could be derived from the Serbo-Croatian mangala svinija (well-fed hog) or the Romanian mâncare (food)
The breed was developed from older hardy types of pig (Bakonyi and Szalontai) crossed with the Sumadia breed of Serbian origin (1833) (and later others like Alföldi or Croatian Šiška and Syrmien). The development took place in Hungary in the early 19th century. The new quickly-growing "fat-type" hog did not require any special care, so it became very popular in Hungary. For the improvement of the breed The National Society of Fat-Type Hog Breeders (Mangalicatenyésztők Országos Egyesülete) was established in 1927.Mangalitsa was the most prominent swine breed in the region until 1950 (the number of the hogs in Hungary in 1943 was 30 thousand). Since the 1950s the popularity as well as population of Mangalitsa have been decreasing within the context of greater food dissemination and inventions such as the refrigerator. In the present time, hobby keeping of Mangalica has become popular. The current number of Mangalitsa hogs in Hungary is slightly over 1000.
Physical characteristics
The Mangalitsa pig breed (also spelled Mangalica or Mangaliza, in German Mangalitza or Wollschwein) is distinguished by its rich and curly coat, which can be blond, black (with swallow bellied variation), and rarely red. Blond (szõke) Mangalitsa is the most common and popular. The skeleton is fine but very strong. The skin under the fur is greyish-black; the visible parts are black as well as tits and hooves. The number of female tits is 10–12. On the lower edge of the ear one can find a bright spot (an inch in diameter), the so-called "Wellmann fleck". The breed is admirably hardy and adaptable to mountain feeding and low temperatures.It is also extremely disease and stress resistant.
Mangalitsa cannot be kept in close quarters and so it has been gradually replaced by modern domestic breeds. It is usually fed with a mix of wild pasture, supplemented with potatoes and pumpkins produced on the farm.
The primary product made from this pig is sausage, usually packed in the pig's duodenum. The minced meat is seasoned with salt, pepper, sweet paprika, and other spices. It is then eaten in slices with pickled vegetables. The pork is also served braised with sauerkraut, potatoes, and stuffed peppers as a side dish. Farmers also produce smoked hams.The fresh meat tastes strong and juicy; the suckling pigs are much preferred for their good fresh meat qualities.
Sumber wikipedia
Apa itu RSS
RSS adalah sebuah file berformat XML untuk sindikasi yang telah digunakan (diantaranya dan kebanyakan) situs web berita dan weblog. Singkatan ini biasanya mengarah ke beberapa protokol:
* Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.91)
* RDF Site Summary (RSS 0.9 and 1.0)
* Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0)
Teknologi yang dibangun dengan RSS mengijinkan kita untuk berlangganan kepada situs web yang menyediakan umpan (feed) RSS, biasanya situs web yang isinya selalu diganti secara reguler. Untuk memanfaatkan teknologi ini kita membutuhkan layanan pengumpul. Pengumpul bisa dibayangkan sebagai kotak surat pribadi. Kita kemudian dapat mendaftar ke situs yang ingin kita tahu perubahannya. Namun, berbeda dengan langganan koran atau majalah, untuk berlangganan RSS tidak diperlukan biaya, gratis. Tapi, kita biasanya hanya mendapatkan satu baris atau sebuah pengantar dari isi situs berikut alamat terkait untuk membaca isi lengkap artikelnya.
RSS digunakan secara luas oleh komunitas weblog untuk menyebar ringkasan tulisan terbaru di jurnal, kadang-kadang juga menyertakan artikel lengkap dan bahkan gambar dan suara. Sekitar 2000, penggunaan RSS meluas di berbagai penerbitan berita, termasuk Reuters, CNN, dan BBC. RSS digunakan pada hampir semua situs berita atau weblog, dengan berbagai tujuan termasuk: pemasaran, press release, laporan reguler produk, atau aktivitas lain yang membutuhkan pemberitahuan periodik dan tentunya publikasi.
Sebuah program komputer yang dikenal sebagai pembaca umpan (feed reader) bertindak sebagai pengumpul. Program ini mengecek situs yang menyediakan RSS dan menampilkan berbagai artikel baru yang ditemukan. Tenggang waktu dan siklus pengumpulan RSS biasanya dapat diatur oleh penggunanya. Program pengumpul dapat berupa program komputer atau sebuah layanan web yang tersedia online.
Program pengumpul RSS di komputer biasanya berupa aplikasi (software) sendiri yang harus dipasang di komputer sebelum dapat digunakan. Program ini tersedia untuk berbagai jenis sistem operasi dengan harga bervariasi. Ada juga program pengumpul RSS yang gratis. Lihat Daftar pengumpul RSS.
Program pengumpul di web tidak memerlukan pemasangan dan pengaturan, kita dapat melihat dan mengecek RSS kita di mana saja, asal ada browser dan koneksi internet. Beberapa layanan pengumpul RSS juga menyediakan penggabungan dan juga pencarian.
Sebuah web yang menyediakan umpan RSS biasanya ada link dengan sebuah tombol bertuliskan XML atau RSS. Namun disarankan menggunakan RSS daripada XML agar tidak membuat kerancuan (sebab setiap RSS adalah XML, tapi tidak tiap XML itu RSS).
Seperti ditulis di atas, ada beberapa versi RSS, dan bahkan ada kelompok membuat format baru Atom yang juga telah diadopsi oleh banyak situs. Tapi pemakai RSS tidak perlu bingung, para pembuat program pengumpul sindikasi biasanya bisa mengenali kedua format tersebut, bahkan masih menyediakan pembaca untuk format yang lama.
Sumber Wikipedia
12 Jul 2008
The Essentials and Benefits of Address Labels
Label: articleAn address label might not be a big deal to some and would be totally unnoticeable to many but its benefits and advantages have made people realize the value of having their own address label. These labels served to be person's way of telling the world the simple joys of creating an efficient mark towards a more convenient life. This statement might be difficult to contemplate yet; this can be explicated through a simple way of saying that these labels have offered both the concept of expediency and usefulness.
A lot of people make use of an address label to bring the idea of mailing into something more delightful and interesting. Gone were the days of traditional handwritten mailing address as it becomes more personalized through unique address label used to send to friends, business partners, business dealings and transactions and other social and personal affairs.
You might be asking why a lot of people now love and set up the trend of customizing an address label, you can count the ways. An address label can be easily tailored and modified with easy steps according to your personal preference. This can be done by choosing the right kind of designs and patterns that will represent your type of personality. This can also set a certain kind of mood and emotion as you mail friends with a certain class of label depending on your mood or situation.
If you are into business and is establishing a name and identity of your own then you can modify a return label that can be used in your business transactions. This will give your clients a constructive notion of professionalism all on your advantage. As an address label speaks on your behalf exhibiting formality and reputability for your own dealings would definitely be displayed. Conversely, if you are on a job search, making use of customized labels will set the mood of a good impression and an affirmative impact to employers receiving your letter of application.
Looking at the financial side, acquiring an address label is also cheaper and easy on the pocket. There are tons of free online sites giving these kinds of services without you having to break the bank. However, if you opt for pre-made labels and an opportunity to personalize tags then you can shed some pennies yet, still be on a reasonable price. As you visit these sites or have your address label ordered, you can choose from multiplicity of selections available. This comes in different patterns, fonts, sizes, and shapes that will meet your individual needs. You can also make use of different themes that include printable labels, holiday labels, business labels, spiritual labels, animal labels and even your personal photo.
An address label certainly created a whole new way of acquainting and connecting to the world. At present, transforming black and white labels to a more personalized one are feasible. And so, whether it is just mere wishes to friends or a response mail to business partners, these serve as a convenient way in saying your greetings to the world.
Author Duanphen Singhaphan
Marketing is a Relationship
In all my years of marketing and helping people market their businesses, I've found that to successfully and easily market, it helps to view marketing as an ongoing relationship. Finding and keeping clients is another way of saying forming and having a relationship with your prospects and clients.
Marketing is not trying to get someone to buy something from you. Your marketing efforts need to focus on building relationships with prospects and clients rather than trying to "sell" them something. Another way to look at marketing is that it's not about "getting" at all, but instead it's about "giving" - your experience, your expertise, your wisdom, your knowledge.
Marketing is about fostering, nurturing and maintaining a relationship with each and every client and prospective customer. By building a relationship, you allow the prospective client or current customer to get to know, like and trust you. Only then will they buy your product or sign up for one of your services.
Just look at yourself - do you spend lots of money with people you dislike, don't trust or have no respect for? I highly doubt it - I don't. So why would it be any different for people who are in need of your services and products? They will only become, and stay, customers if you build a relationship with them.
By looking at marketing as a relationship, with specific steps that need to be taken, you simplify the whole process of marketing. It doesn't look as intimidating or overwhelming anymore. We all know (at least the rudiments!) of starting and forming relationships, and that means we are all capable of marketing easily and comfortably.
But what is the actual process for fostering this relationship?
What I've found to work every time is to break down marketing into 5 simple steps that mirror the steps you would take to create a non-business relationship with someone. You use these same steps to find and keep your most profitable clients.
Step 1 - figure out what you have to offer
Step 2 - start a conversation
Step 3 - build the relationship
Step 4 - get a commitment
Step 5 - maintain the relationship
Each step is important and logically follows the previous one. If your marketing misses a step or tries to do them out of order, your prospects will stumble and won't make it in the door to your business. Chances are they won't try to visit again, either.
You may already have a hot selling product and a well known reputation. Or maybe you want to grow your list and offer your services to lots of new people. Or you may be starting off with a great service or product but no one really knows anything about you.
Regardless of where you and your business are right now, your marketing has to accomplish the same thing - build a relationship and make a connection. Where it differs for someone who has been in business awhile versus a new company is in the specific marketing tactics you employ.
When you base your marketing efforts on following these 5 simple steps, you'll find and keep many more profitable clients and as a result have the successful business that you deserve and want!
Author Jody Gabourie
How To Write An Ebook Without Writing A Single Word Yourself
Many individuals have caught onto the ebook frenzy which is going on these days. No matter what topic you search online, you are sure to find an ebook which describes your desired subject matter in detail. For the web content writers out there, producing ebooks is something which may have caught their interest as well. It is a great way to write something one time and continually reap the benefits known as the income from the future sales of the ebook.For those who want to produce an ebook without writing it themselves, there are ways to do so. Those who wish to learn more about how to write an ebook without writing a single word will find the following to be quite helpful in this regard.
Hire a Ghostwriter
One of the best ways to accomplish producing an ebook without writing a single word yourself is to hire a ghostwriter to do the writing for you. A ghostwriter is someone who is paid a set fee to write the book but does not have their name published on the book and often does not collect any future income from the sale of the book. This is a great way for an individual to have their ebook completed, have their name included on the book and not have to write the item themselves. If you are interested in how to write an ebook without typing a single word, this is the perfect way to do so.
There are many places to search for ghostwriters who can be hired to write the ebook for you. Freelance writing websites are the best place to search for ghostwriters. Many writers are eager to take on this type of work as it is a great way to earn quite a bit of money on a topic which the writer is familiar with. When searching for that perfect ebook ghostwriter, make sure that you receive samples of the individuals prior work so that you can determine that the selected individual will be one who does a good job and aids in the future sales of the book.
Iron Out the Terms of the Ebook Agreement
For those who wish to learn how to write an ebook without writing a single word themselves, it is also important to have a firm agreement in place with the chosen ghostwriter. Make sure that the ghostwriter knows that their part in the ebook process will be as a ghostwriter and let them know exactly what they will be paid for their involvement. If you choose not to have them acquire any future payments from book sales, dictate this in writing so that there is no discrepancy in the future.
Now that you know how to write an ebook without writing a single word, you will obviously see the benefits in having your book written this way. Those who use a ghostwriter to write their ebook for them will find that they do not have to spend the time writing the book and will continue to receive future payments from the book each and every time it is sold online. If you have ever considered having an ebook written, using a ghostwriter to write the book for you will definitely pay off in the end.
Author Cory Threlfall
Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Create an Ebook Today
Ebooks are a popular type of web content which Internet surfers like to peruse and buy on a constant basis. They come in many different forms and are written about almost any topic you could possibly think of. For those who are web content producers, there are five distinct reasons why you should create an ebook and then sell the virtual periodical online.
High in Demand
First and foremost, ebooks are items which are high in demand. No matter what subject you choose to write your ebook on, there are sure to be a large number of individuals interested in that topic. When you create an ebook, keep in mind that the finished product will be one which certain people will clamor to read about and know that this demand for ebooks will help you to make money on the content of your choice.
Ebooks Are Inexpensive to Produce
As opposed to written books and articles which are published in bookstores and on shelves across the world, ebooks are quite inexpensive to produce. All that one really needs in order to write and publish ebooks is an idea or notion to start with, creativity, a computer and a way to virtually publish the item. When you create an ebook you will find that the money out of your own pocket is little in comparison to what book authors need to spend. The inexpensive production costs is another top reason to produce an ebook today.
Always Available to Potential Purchasers Online
In addition to being inexpensive to produce, online web content providers should opt to create an ebook as they are items which will always be available to potential purchasers online. Therefore, they will constantly be producing revenue so long as the material is interesting, accurate and informative. This constant availability makes it an easy source of income for those who can sit down, write the ebook and then have it published online.
Produces More Money than Article Writing
For those web content writers who strictly stick to the production of articles, they may want to consider creating an ebook as this type of online writing is much more lucrative as a whole than writing articles. The ebook writer will spend a bit more time producing the ebook but then the money which they will get in return for the sale of their ebook makes it a much more worthwhile investment than simply writing articles.
Takes Less Time than Some Other Forms of Web Content Production Overall
Although the time it takes for one to create an ebook will be longer than simply writing one article, when viewed in light of the grand scheme of things, those who write an ebook as opposed to multiple articles will spend less time overall. Even though some ebooks will take anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of weeks to produce, the finished product will result in good pay which will continue long after the writing has ceased. This cannot be said for article writing where the web content producer is only paid for the article once and it can usually never be sold again online.
Author Cory Threlfall
Why Ebook Publishing is the Fastest Way to Make Money Online
There are many different ways to earn a living via the World Wide Web these days. Some individuals sell items on auction websites whereas others engage in freelance writing for web content in order to bring home a paycheck. For those who express an interest in writing web content, one of the fastest ways to make money online is to do so by ebook publishing. There are a few reasons why this type of online publishing is the best and quickest way to gain an income online.
Can Be Published in a Quick Manner
As opposed to written text in a physical form such as books and magazines, ebooks are items which can be published in a quick manner. As soon as the writer is finished writing the ebook, they can be well on their way to having it published online. The way in which the Internet works allows individuals to take their ideas, whether it be in the form of ebook publishing or otherwise, and then put it online as soon as they are ready to do so. This quick way of publishing this variety of written material makes producing ebooks and getting paid for them a fast way to make money online.
Distributed to a Large Group of Individuals All At Once
Another reason why ebook publishing is the fastest way to make money online is that this type of web content can be distributed to a large group of individuals all at once. When the ebook is completely written, the next step of publishing the item can be easily done. Some individuals will sell the item on their website whereas others will go through online publishers in order to get the job done. No matter which route is chosen, the writer of the ebook will be able to provide all Internet users with the ability to view and purchase their ebook online. The more people who view and ultimately buy the ebook published online, the more money one will make in a speedy fashion.
Little or No Overhead Involved
Those who may be considering ebook publishing as a way to gain a quick income online will also find that they will be able to keep much of the money that is paid to them by purchasers due to the fact that there is little or no overhead involved. All that ebook writing and ultimately publishing really takes is one's time, creativity and perhaps a small fee if using an online publisher to advertise the ebook. Therefore, the less overhead that is involved, the more money the ebook writer will be able to keep.
Ebooks Can Be Sold Online On a Continual Basis
Another way that ebook publishing can be considered a fast way to make money online is that once it is written, the ebook can continually be sold online so long as the material does not become outdated. This means that the writer of the ebook can simply sit back and relax while their ebook basically sells itself. As opposed to a web content writer who has to constantly submit new articles and only be paid on a per article basis, ebook writers need only write the book once and then have it be sold time and time again online, usually for quite a favorable price.
This is another important reason why ebook publishing is the fastest way to make money online and something which all web content producers should considering doing.
Author Cory Threlfall
How to Choose the Best Network Marketing Business
So you have decided to take the plunge, and join a network marketing company. Well, keep your wallet in your pocket for a while yet, you need to know how to choose the best network marketing business. To do this, you need to understand what a network marketing company needs to have to help ensure your success.
There are five critical elements help you select the best network marketing company. You want to join a great company, don't you? If you plan to put your heart and soul into you new home business for the next few years, you need to study intensely the companies you are looking at joining. This only makes sense, because you do not want to invest you time and money into a company that might not be there in a couple of years, or a company that is not in a growth industry.
Below are listed the five critical elements to help you choose the best network marketing business.
1) The Product: The Company must have a product, or products that are focused in one area of concentration. This allows you to focus your marketing efforts in one category of products, thus laser targeting your customers.
2) The Industry: This must be a growth industry. If you going to join a network marketing company you want to be sure that the products they offer are in demand and that demand in increasing every year. For example, maybe a health product targeted to baby boomers, there is a product in demand and an industry in rapid growth.
3) Company: The company is probably the most important, the product and industry can be great, but if the company is not going to be around in two years, why join. You need to be sure that the Company has the ability to give you long term growth and financial security. Check out the companies history, and for newer companies, concentrate on the ownership. Checking out the ownership and owner's history is very important here. I am not talking about a successful six figure network marketer, who just started a new company with this great product, I am talking about owners with multi-million and billion dollar backing and a previous history of success.
4) System: A system to market you business must be simple and easy to duplicate. The company and upline distributors must be willing to help you succeed. This is a critical step to help you choose the best network marketing business.
5) Global Reach. The companies with the most potential for success out there have ground floor in their global expansion. Many network marketing companies went form the millions to billions in sales during their global expansion. You want to be a part of that.
Now, having read the above five critical elements of how to choose a great company, you need to consider whether or not you are gambling your and your family's future on a company that does not meat this criteria. There are many great network marketing companies out there that fit these 5 critical elements on how to choose the best network marketing business, so do your home work, and make that very important decision to find, and join on of them and change your financial destiny.
Author Rodney Larrivee
Make Prospects Stalk Your Sales Letters Without Fail
Stop making your sales letters look like ad!
Yes, many of times we simply look over the fact that people don’t like to read ads—unless you’re a rabid marketer who loves to study how other business owners or entrepreneurs market their products or services.
Time after time, if you look over the Internet there are too many sales letters that just shout: “I’m an ad!” And yet they wonder why their responses are so low and day after day, their profitability seem to go down without fail.
You see, stop making your sales letters look like ad. I say we change. It’s time us smart marketers change our ways so prospects get stopped in their tracks whenever they arrive at any one of our sales letters!
But how would you do this?
There are many ways, and if you would put a little bit of child like creativity you’ll find almost everything you need in your brains.
People come online to read articles, they’ve come online to find as much information as they can about something they want. And therefore when they come online, a resource of knowledge would be valuable and appealing to them.
So for example, since people come online to read articles—what can you do to improve your readership and influence your prospects’ mindset to assume you deliver value in your sales letters?
Yes—it’s simple! Make your sales letters look like article.
And, this isn’t something hard to do. In fact, you can begin changing your whole business today so it delivers information of value, and present your sales message altogether in one same template which looks like an advertorial or average article published on the Internet.
Other than training your prospects’ minds to think you’ve presented them with yet another article of valuable information, you also get to bring a ales message to them without raising too much objections at all.
But is this an ethical strategy? Here’s what: if you continue to present people who looks up to you for valuable information and you did nothing but endorse products one after another without giving something back to them in return, that is more unethical on the moral side.
What you’re doing here is conditioning yourself to continue delivering value to your appreciated prospects and customers as well, and will surely increase your business exponentially at the bottom line.
Don’t hesitate to add some personal handwriting notes, some scribbles, make your sales letter look like your personal diary. Make it look like a letter to your lover, a letter to a friend. In fact, you can even make it sound like it. Make it entertaining at times, but not at all times.
Sometimes the professional image just doesn’t stick. Who knows, one small story or event told to your customers can ensure their loyalty with you far longer and deeper than all your marketing efforts combined until now.
Author Dan Lok
key ways to gain online shoppers
Attention, please, those of you who sell merchandise online: Not all of you are honest, competent and credible. Some of you are incredibly greedy. More than a few of you ought to be in jail for the things you do to consumers.
But most of you, I suspect, are worthy of my trust. The trouble is, how do consumers and other businesses tell you from the bad guys on the Web?
They can't really. But one way to help buyers feel more secure about the online merchants they shop is through digital certificates and privacy seals.
How digital certificates work
Let's first talk about digital certificates. They were invented to facilitate trust in Internet transactions. These certificates, among other things, validate for customers shopping online that they are dealing with a specific person or company that has been checked out by the companies authorized to issue the certificates.
An online merchant buys a digital certificate from a certification authority (often abbreviated as CA on the Web and in marketing materials). Before the certificate is issued, the CA
checks out your company, to be sure you are who you say you are and are worthy of the certification. (For more on this process, see one of the Web sites whose addresses are mentioned below.)
Assuming you pass muster, the certificate is uploaded to your site. Typically, a logo is posted on your Web site assuring the world that you have been checked. Again, this is intended to build customer trust.
Next, a customer comes to your site to buy a product. When the transaction begins, the customer's browser contacts a secured address on your Web site. That address will start with "https," rather than "http." Your server sends its digital certificate to the browser, authenticating itself.
That initiates the Secure Socket Layer (SSL). No, that's not a name you will hear at cocktail parties. But it means that the data transmitted by the customer's browser is protected with
encryption. A padlock symbol at the bottom of the customer's browser shows that the session is secure.
What follows is a series of things that take place behind the scenes, all transparent to the customer: The customer's browser generates a session key (a long number), and uses that to encrypt
the customer's credit-card number or other sensitive data. The browser then encrypts the session key, using a public key sent by your server. The browser sends the encrypted credit-card information to your Web
server, along with the encrypted session key. The server uses a private key to decrypt the session key, and then uses the session key to decrypt the credit-card information.
No certificate, no encryption
The encrypted transaction here is made possible by the digital certificate. Without the certificate, the encryption would not take place. Without the encryption, the customer's information would be sent in a manner that could be intercepted by evil-doers in
transit. If you don't have a certificate, the padlock icon on the customer's browser will not close.
The browser probably would generate a message warning the customer that the transmission is not secure.
The customer might decide to do business with someone else.
There are a number of certificate sellers. The biggest is VeriSign (www.verisign.com),which sells certificates under that name and Thawte (www.thawte.com). VeriSign has about 90% of the U.S. market. Other major sellers are Entrust (www.entrust.com), Comodo (www.comodogroup.com) and Baltimore Technologies (www.baltimore.com).
Those five have high
compatibility with browsers. There are other certificate sellers, but at least some are not compatible with older browsers, or those made by the browser publisher Opera.
For instance, some cannot handle Internet Explorer 5.0, which was distributed with Windows 98. Be sure to check compatibility when buying a certificate. About 10% of the people who connect to my Web site are using old browsers — you don't want to lose that business.
Prices can vary widely. VeriSign certificates, with the highest level encryption (128-bit), cost around $900 for one year or $1,600 for two. The much smaller Baltimore
charges around $350 per certificate for one year. You will need certificates for each secure server.
Why privacy seals are important too
People want not only to have their personal data encrypted, but they also want to know what the online merchant is going to do with it. People today are concerned about identity theft and spam, and with good reason.
Some Web pioneers recognized in the mid-1990s that this would be an issue. They formed TRUSTe (www.truste.org), a nonprofit organization that sets standards for privacy. TRUSTe members agree to follow these rules:
Adopt a privacy policy that allays the fears of consumers.
Disclose what information is collected and what is done with it.
Give consumers the option of refusing to supply certain information.
Take steps to secure sensitive information provided by consumers.
Sounds like common sense, huh? Well, it is. But written policies
that reiterate these rules are a good idea. When TRUSTe was formed, Internet commerce was brand new and exploding. It was -- and still is -- important that companies follow the rules and make the online shopping experience a positive one for consumers. Bad apples can wreck everything.
Another registration service is provided by WebTrust (www.webtrust.net). This organization periodically has member firms examined by a certified public accountant. Among the criteria are high standards in online privacy, security and business practices. Fees vary, depending on the time the CPA
spends examining the firm.
Check out the BBB
Both of the above services serve to reassure customers. But I am even more bullish about the Better
Business Bureau Online (www.bbbonline.org), the Internet side of the same venerable watchdog organization that provides BBB plaques for brick-and-mortar
After companies apply to TRUSTe and submit a proper privacy policy, they are permitted to display the TRUSTe seal. This seal tells customers that the company displaying it practices good privacy policies. The fee for
the TRUSTe seal is based on a company's sales. The fee for the smallest companies (those with annual sales of less than $5 million) is around $600. It rises with higher revenue numbers.
businesses' walls. Given its longstanding service and strong reputation with the public, the BBB seal might be the most effective seal of all.
BBBOnline actually has two seals: reliability and privacy. You must join your local BBB to receive the online reliability seal. And you must
have a satisfactory record of resolving problems reported to the BBB.
The privacy seal requires that a privacy notice be adopted and posted. If a company appears to meet threshold standards, it still must be assessed. Fees start at $200 for a company with $1 million or less in revenues.
A privacy seal from any of these organizations can go a long way toward reassuring today's wary customers (many Web sites display more than one seal). A privacy seal combined with a digital certificate is an even better way that online merchants can show they are worthy of consumers' trust.
Posted by Kim Komando
Change your business' name?
What's in a name? Everything — particularly when it comes to your business.
And that should make extreme caution the bedrock of your thinking when considering changing the name of your business.
Granted, there are justifiable reasons for a name change. Perhaps you bought a business with someone else's name and you'd like the operation to reflect you. Maybe your operation has changed so that the current name simply misrepresents your products or services.
Rule of thumb: Approach a name change carefully. Here are seven issues to bear in mind:
1. Identify a substantive reason to change the name. Never change your business' name simply because the current one bores you. Instead, think carefully about what might warrant such a decision — and make sure it's genuinely compelling. "It's always a difficult decision," says Luda Kopeikina, author of "The Right Decision Every Time: How to Reach Perfect Clarity on Tough Decisions." Your name is a brand that touches a lot of people, and that's a major consideration, Kopeikina says.
2. Know what a name
change really entails. Don't ignore all the ramifications of a name change. It doesn't just affect the sign over your front door. Think about business cards, stationery, sales materials and, in particular, any relevant Web sites that will have to be updated. All those taken together can run into a fairly hefty price tag. Kopeikina recommends that any business changing its name maintain two Web sites for at least several months so that customers going to the old site can be redirected. Still, know that a name change isn't 100% customer safe: "You're bound to lose some customers along the way," says Kopeikina.
3. Can you reestablish a brand name? Even the smallest business brands its products and services with its name. If, for instance, you acquire a family-named business with a long-established history associated with that name, determine whether it's feasible to expect that a new
name will hold onto even a portion of that valuable branding. "It may often be the better decision to keep the old name and merely say that the company is under new management," says Kopeikina.
4. Keep an eye on your core functions. Up to now,a fairly compelling case can be made to stick with an existing name under most circumstances. But that's not always the case. An effective name must always mirror the primary focus of your business' activity. With that in mind, give some thought to a fresh name if what you do has changed substantially so that a new name would better
reflect that activity. Case in point: Seattle-based Curecorp changed its name to 1-800 Water Damage to focus on the company's central purpose: Addressing homes with water damage. "For small businesses, it's a good idea that the new name includes precisely what the business does," says Kopeikina.
5. If a new name makes sense, check it out. If circumstances suggest that a new name may, in fact, benefit your business, don't just slap it on. New York attorney Keith Emmer recommends extensive due diligence — see if the name is strikingly close to the name of another business.In particular, watch for registered trademarks: "If your name is even something close to a registered trademark, using it could have expensive legal consequences," he says. Do the same work on the Internet registry if you hope to have an online presence with the new name.
6. Run the new name by customers. Even a new name that strikes every chord with the owner may hit nothing but sour notes with clients and customers. Set up focus groups or conduct extensive interviews with everyone from customers to suppliers. Have them tell you how they
feel about the new name. Do they think it captures the essence of your company? Will they remember it a few weeks from now? Do they share your reasoning behind the possibility of a name change? Soliciting feedback from others not only broadens your perspective, but also gives you a feel for how things will actually go if, in fact, the name change moves forward.
7. Above all, take the process slowly. No matter how immediate or compelling a quick decision may seem, it's imperative to approach the decision of a name change as slowly, and as thoughtfully, as possible. The
one thing you want to avoid above all is a knee jerk decision that carries destructive consequences for years to come. If you devise a rationale for a name change, review it in a week or two to see if the argument holds up. If you come up with a killer new name, sit on it for a bit to see if it keeps its charm. Ask a customer about a new name,then pose the same question a month later to see if her reaction changes. "You're essentially losing your identity if you decide to change your name, so sleep on it for quite a while," says Kopeikina. "Given enough time, you may realize that it's not worth it. You've got to have a business name that you can live with for a long time."
Posted by Jeff Wuorio